Our Services


Fine-tuning Models

With our extensive experience in diverse AI technologies, our team of experts  bring value to enterprise  by fine tuning and modifying model architecture to better suit your business.

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Retrieval Augmented Generation

InfoObjects expertise helps enterprises to incorporate  RAG-driven GenAI system,
leveraging fine-tuning, vector embedding retrieval and sophisticated language generation to extract valuable insights.

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Legacy Code Conversion

Convert your legacy Code into any programming language to reinvent and modernize your application that helps in unparalleled gains in efficiency and Customer Success.

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Data Annotation

More than 80% of time spent on AI projects goes into Data Preparation that includes labeling data. We help companies to develop accurate and quality algorithm to provide desired results.

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Synthetic Data Generation

Build your own synthetic data without risking exposure of sensitive and private data. We help tp create diverse and , scalable and cost effective data that helps to make data driven decisions.

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Build custom human-in-the-loop capabilities across the ML lifecycle using Reinforced Learning Human Feedback ensuring LLMs produce content that is truthful, harmless, and helpful.


Prompt Engineering

Hire our prompt engineering experts to develop and optimize effective prompts for your applications. We implement mechanisms for continuous evaluation and improvement of prompt effectiveness.

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Generative AI Model Development

Our AI experts will help to develop, configure, and train generative AI models from your dataset. We iteratively train and evaluate the model to guarantee the delivery satisfactory solutions to your problem.

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AI Application Development

Our expertise in AI modeling, programming, and training generative AI models guarantees quality, relevance, and user satisfaction delivered in your application. This help business automate the workflow that will optimize cost and productivity.

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